Musings of a mom... with three very different, but wonderful children... primarily talking about ADHD related stuff... but could talk about anything.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Dobbs: Keep religion out of politics

I apologize for taking such a long hiatus, but it look awhile for me to recover from my week long vacation in August.

I have to comment on the article written by Lou Dobbs on entitled "Keep religion out of politics." To me it exemplifies the lack of critical thinking often exhibited in the media. He doesn't even try to defend his hypothesis, rather he just spouts off his personal views and hopes we'll buy them.

I don't think I can cut and paste the article here, but here's a link to the article so you can read it yourself:

This is my response to the article that I emailed to

I've noticed that even though I can comment on the writings of guest columnists, I cannot comment on Lou Dobbs column, unless there is another way to comment that I have missed? If so, please instruct. Or you may just forward my below comments on to him.

Mr. Dobbs, it is interesting to me that I am not supposed to choose a candidate who most closely matches the values I have learned from Jesus Christ through my church, such as feeding the poor, giving hospitality to strangers, and defending the oppressed. In what way should I choose a candidate then? Should I choose a candidate because my labor boss says he is most likely to protect my job even when it becomes obsolete and a drain on the company I work for? Or should I choose a candidate because a financial expert tells me she will save me the most money in the long run? I guess it's alright for my labor boss to tell me which candidate most closely aligns with the values he holds dear, but it's not alright for my pastor to do the same.

I believe you are not advocating separation of church of state, which holds that no LAW should be made respecting an establishment of religion, but rather you are advocating the removal of what are considered “religious” values from the public arena. And that I cannot condone.


Blogger Irish Blue said...

Liberals are mad because conservative Christains have finally found their voice and are exercising their right to free speech and using their power to affect the political direction in this country. The amendment itself, as he states, was designed to keep *government* out of *religion*. So, how is it that people always use it to make the argument that religious people have no right to ban together to support policies and candidates that stand for the same values they do? We have no voice in government?

10:30 AM

Blogger Sarah said...

Good post. Glad to hear you're back in blogland!

1:02 PM


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