Drill Seargent, Anyone?
My kindergarten son is now home with me Tuesday and Thursday because his new school is only three days. So, I had plans of home schooling fun, with me planning little activities and him working away diligently while I work on my computer (I have to get 8 hours of work in too those days). HA HA HA HA. That was a really funny dream. NOT going to happen.
But I try. I plead, I guilt, I bribe, I threaten Daddy's wrath, but no, not even one little worksheet gets done by my sweet little son. Messes get made, and not cleaned up. I hear "I'm too tired" all day. Or my favorite, "My legs hurt." That is, until the arrival of Drill Seargent.
Mr. Drill Seargent (aka Daddy) walked in Thursday around 5:30 pm, set the timer on the stove, and told my cute little son to clean the office, clean his room and complete three worksheets before 30 minutes was up. Guess what? He did it. No whining, no hedging, and the THREE worksheets he completed were beautiful - pretty cursive writing from a 6 year old.
WHAAAAA???? Am I really that incompetant? Or does it have something to do with male anatomy? Yeah, that would be a good out, but no, it's me. I don't have the drill seargent skills. It's what my son needs, but I really don't know how to go about it. Anyone know of a good military boarding school?
Or any less drastic measures? HELP!!
I can totally picture that. Funny. Well, I think the timer is a great idea. You should try using that for him for small tasks. Then maybe have a reward after he accomplishes his task.
8:56 PM
I think you're trying to do an incredibly hard thing, getting work done and homeschooling a high needs child! Cut yourself some slack, and maybe just leave the things that are really a power struggle for when dad comes home, if that works better. And definitely do the timer thing- I remember my mom using that a lot with us to get us to clean things!
(user name is Jim's new movie review blog!)
10:48 PM
It sounds like he needs so more daddy influence. It seems common with middle children that they seek approval of their same sex parent.
Typically the father is the disciplinarian, so when the middle child is male, they may act out to get daddy's attention.
Maybe you could do a daily Daddy Report Card and have dad review your son's work when he comes home.
Then again, what do I know?
1:22 AM
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