Musings of a mom... with three very different, but wonderful children... primarily talking about ADHD related stuff... but could talk about anything.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Michael Phelps' "Hyper Focusing" Helps Win Golds

Per Bryan Hutchinson - "Michael Phelps has ADHD. I am not the least bit confused by what others are describing about his laser like concentration, this mental part of his makeup, believe it or not, is rather normal for most people with ADHD. It is called Hyper Focusing. Hyper Focusing allows us to concentrate on something so intensely that we cannot break away from whatever we are focusing on, it can provide supreme drive and motivation."

Read the whole article here:


Blogger Brett_in_Deutschland said...

Man, now that I think about it, I think most of the friends I had in High School who were getting all A's probably had ADHD. I know of at least two for sure...

3:54 PM


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