Musings of a mom... with three very different, but wonderful children... primarily talking about ADHD related stuff... but could talk about anything.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Suggestions for ADHD Intervention Strategies

In my meeting with the education team at Greg's school this week, I want to take a list of intervention strategies for him. Here's what I've got so far - if you know of any more, add a comment.

1. More time on computer with headphones. He can much more easily concentrate on the computer and the headphones block out distraction.

2. Instead of going to the "specials" classes every day (they rotate gym, art, etc) where he always gets in trouble because the teacher isn't as aware of how to handle him, he could spend time with someone who could help him with social skills, and work one on one with him (or with a small group of kids) in areas he is struggling in.

3. Choosing teachers for him that are aware of how to handle ADHD, and understand that he isn't just being ornery, but rather has real difficulty in listening, sitting still, and paying attention.

4. Allow him to wear headphones with classical music playing in class when he needs to be quietly working on something.

5. Allow him more time for tests - in a place away from distraction.


Blogger Katy said...

I've worked with a lot of ADHD kids in my day and a lot of these strategies are good ones. As a mom, I'd say to make sure he doesn't have any sugar before school--this includes all those white bread products that turn to sugar in five minutes. Plenty of people don't believe in that, but I always notice a difference between good nutrition and improved concentration.

Also, you may want to make sure that your child has enough movement before his day starts. Children these days don't have nearly enough chances ot move around during the school day, so try ot get in jumping jacks or some kitchen dancing before school even starts.

11:23 PM


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